So tonight I finally took the time to make my own laundry soap. I used this web site as my guide:
I have read through this site before and had forgotten about it. Jason and I did watch his tutorial on youtube about a year ago. Here is the link to that:
I like this guy cause he is from IA so he must know what he is doing!!! :)
I did not use Borax as I have heard that it is harsh on clothes and not ok to have around kids. I used Oxiclean instead. For the bar of soap, I used Dr Bronners castile soap. You can find it here: Dr Bronners is pretty cool. Looks to be a good go to site for some good soap!
It was a very easy process to making this detergent. The only thing that took a bit was shaving the soap but I cut the time by using my food processor. I had the water heating up while I shaved the soap. Once the water was boiling, I added the soap. I didn't do it little at a time like the guy said and I had a few clumps. I just took my wire wisk to it and it broke up the clumps fairly easy. In no time at all, the soap was dissolved.
I added 3 gallons of water to my "Homer" bucket by filling it up in the bathtub as my kitchen faucet has terrible water pressure.
I added 1 cup of Washing soda to the bucket and then poured in the soap that I had just dissolved. I stirred that up really good. I didn't have any lumps to break up. I think it's because I had hot water in the bucket to begin with. After that I added 1/2 cup Oxiclean to the bucket and gave it a good stir. I put the lid on and had my wonderful husband take it to the basement for me. I can't wait to give it a good stir tomorrow night and start using it!
I don't know how much this cost me as I bought the washing soda about a year ago and the Oxiclean from Sams club. The Dr Bronners soap does cost a bit but I am happy that I am using something that is good and green! I am hoping to find it cheaper on line and buy a few at a time.
I did take pictures and wanted to share but my husband went out to run some errands before I had him download the pictures. I will have to add pictures later.
Day of Love
7 years ago
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